MOVY PARK traction platform for narrow garages and boxes

data sheet MOVY PARK 4.0

Over the years, the size of cars has increased, garages, especially those in large cities, have narrow openings which make it extremely complicated both for the car to enter and, above all, for the driver to get out of the car as there is no longer any access to the car once inside. space needed to open the door. Movy Park by Green Park, a small and easy to install platform, offers the solution. Thanks to a convenient remote control it is possible, by stopping outside the garage, to activate the platform to automatically release the platforms. The driver just has to position the car on the platforms themselves, get out of the cockpit in complete comfort and, with the same remote control, reactivate the platform, which will position the car in complete safety in the garage.

The new platform is available in two models: Movy Park 2.0, which allows you to enter the garage by positioning only the front wheels of the car on the platform, and Movy Park 4.0, which you climb on with all four wheels. The choice depends on the characteristics of the car both in terms of brand and transmission. To use the 2.0 it is in fact necessary that the rear wheels, with the gearbox in P, do not lock. The check can be carried out by your trusted tire dealer or by contacting our technical office to schedule a test directly on the device.

In this regard, Green Park offers the possibility, by making an appointment by telephone on +39 or by writing to, to view and try the new Movy Park platform directly in the company. You can contact the same contact details to ask for prices, availability and further information on the new product.

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